Money Vibe

Your Financial Formula*

*whether you have money or not

In the past ten to twenty years, everything that was once believed to be true about how we best succeed has been turned upside down.

Success, it seems, depends much more on one’s inner game than was previously thought. The old notions of getting a good education and working hard as the pathway to success are not only outdated and not necessarily true, they are likely standing in the way of you feeling and achieving all that you desire.

The revolution I’m talking about is that scientists, philosophers, coaches and performance experts of all stripes are starting to address the underlying element of all human endeavor: human consciousness, energy, or what Jackie Woodside calls your “vibe.”

What is this concept? It’s not about creating better habits, it’s about what underlies your habits. It’s not about working and practicing thousands of hours to develop excellence; it’s about what would have you do so.

Bestselling author and coaching expert, Jackie Woodside, has spent decades studying and working with the leading edges of the human potential movement.

What she has found is revealed in this stunning new book, Money Vibe. What you will learn is that elevating your consciousness is the single most effective way to bring about the changes in your financial life and in the success you desire.

Money Vibe is a compelling guide to what is possible when you train your mind to guide and direct you toward your highest expression. It’s a roadmap for anyone who is committed to elevating their game. The key to elevating your Money Vibe is to deal with your inner landscape while simultaneously creating the conditions for greater amounts of money to come into your life.






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